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CC presents Torres a document to address the “economic urgency” of the Canary Islands


As we mentioned earlier the press conference taking place this morning, this was the proposal;


The national secretary general of CC-PNC, Fernando Clavijo, and the spokesperson for the nationalist formation, María Fernández, presented today at a press conference a document for the “urgent rescue” of the Canarian economy; a document with measures that has been submitted to the Government of the Canary Islands with the aim of “stopping the bleeding of unemployment and the closure of companies” in the islands


Thus, Clavijo recalled that, from minute one of the confinement CC-PNC has contributed ideas, measures and proposals to the Government of the Canary Islands “to join in the search for solutions that minimize the impact of the health, economic and social crisis” and in that line of coloration and institutional loyalty is part of this proposal full of measures to face the social emergency we are experiencing ”. “We are not in a state of alarm, but we are in a state of emergency, which is what thousands and thousands of freelancers and small businessmen are experiencing who today see the doors of their businesses closed without direct aid being articulated for them. them ”, said the nationalist leader.


“Now what is needed are certainties and no more postponements in decision-making” and, Clavijo added, “with that conviction we present this document for the rescue of the Canarian economy” with concrete measures that help prevent further loss of jobs.


The secretary general of the Canarian nationalists pointed out that the current situation “with 35,000 self-employed workers who have been discharged, 80,000 people in Erte in the islands and a birth that affects 270,000 people does not allow us to continue delaying measures: we are running out of time and you have to act now ”. “You cannot ask for patience from someone who has been waiting for measures and solutions for 10 months,” he added, adding that “we demand for the Canary Islands the same certainties that the State has given to Air Europa or the automotive sector, which already have their rescue plan announced. ”.


Along these lines, María Fernández detailed the three axes, already incorporated since April in the document sent to the Government of the Canary Islands, in which the proposals presented today are articulated: measures to attract funding from the Government of Spain (compliance with the new REF and Statute of Autonomy) and of the EU; measures to provide liquidity to SMEs by lowering the tax burden, lowering social security contributions and facilitating 0% loans with a repayment period according to the duration of the crisis and, finally, administrative simplification measures, which streamline procedures and facilitate both public and private investment.


“The response to our offer of collaboration with both the Government of the Canary Islands and the State has been to ignore our contributions and not even 10% and commitments such as the defense of our REF and Statute of Autonomy have been carried out. they have been left in borage water “, added Fernández,” as the demand for specific rescue plans for the Canary Islands of our main economic sector, tourism, and the incorporation of our singularities in the ERTE, due to our condition of Ultraperipheral Region ”but, despite this“ we will continue to contribute and present alternatives ”.


“And”, he added that “we are fully aware that from a health crisis like the one we are experiencing, we could only get out by leaning our shoulders, providing proposals and getting involved as far as we were allowed in the search for solutions together with the Government of the Canary Islands; regardless of political ideologies, colors, or symbols: row all together on the path that will lead us to recovery ”. For this reason, “we signed with the Government of the Canary Islands its Plan for the Social and Economic Reactivation of the Canary Islands, we established working groups, we proposed to activate tools and concrete actions.” However, “the answer has not been what the public expected to face the daunting economic crisis that is hitting us and leaving small businesses in ruin and thousands of Canarian families in the most absolute uncertainty”.


In this sense, he recalled that the decrease in the number of companies and freelancers that have closed in the Canary Islands has been -6.20% compared to -3.34% of the State average; that is, 86 percentage points above. If the comparison is made in consideration of the level of employment, while the contraction of jobs has been -3.28% at the national level, in the Canary Islands the percentage reaches -8.20% in the Canary Islands. That is, 250% higher. On the other hand, youth unemployment reaches 61.72% compared to 40.45% of the national average. “These data only demonstrate the vulnerability of an economy and society such as the Canary Islands, which needs different compensatory parameters in relation to the rest of the State, something that, in fact, is already recognized by the European Union itself, but it is difficult for the European Union to understand. own Government of Spain ”they added.


Faced with the reality of these data, the nationalists propose the following measures:



  1. We must continue to politically demand a Rescue Plan for the Canarian Economy and just as 10,000 million have been set up for the automobile sector, specific funds must be set up to rescue the tourism sector.
  2. The Government of the Canary Islands must create a specific department to attract European funds and projects both in the general and in the specific aspect as RUP leading this claim in Europe. The CCAA has magnificent officials for this.
  3. Surveillance of the execution of the State Budget for 2021 (the position of CC-PNC on this budget is already known) since it is entirely probable that throughout the year the collection forecasts will worsen and we run the risk that the budgeted money does not arrive, something that would be dramatic for our islands.


Measures to provide liquidity to SMEs by lowering the tax burden, lowering social security contributions and facilitating 0% loans with a repayment period according to the duration of the crisis:



  1. We propose, due to the nature of urgency and force majeure, that a greater simplification and reduction of deadlines be promoted in the processing of Employment Regulation Files (communication and negotiation) that result in suspension of the employment relationship or reduction of the working day in those companies that are affected by a sudden drop in demand or activity.
  2. We propose that the extraordinary measures that have been arranged in the area of ​​ERTE be extended until December 2021 and extended to all economic activities in the Canary Islands.
  3. We propose the exoneration of payment of Social Security contributions in cases of sick leave caused by the COVID-19 virus.
  4. We propose to establish social security bonuses when teleworking is established as an organizational measure, for the duration of the extraordinary situation. All this, without forgetting the possibility of establishing aid for technological means for SMEs and the self-employed.
  5. We propose to cancel the rise of the self-employed and the possibility of requesting postponements of the payment of Social Security contributions without surcharge or interest for sectors, freelancers and territories such as the Canary Islands.
  6. Apply a flat rate self-employed in the Canary Islands throughout 2021.
  7. We propose the establishment of bonuses for the maintenance of employment of the contributions of discontinuous permanent workers.
  8. Flexibility in the incorporation of discontinuous fixed lines in all affected activity sectors.
  9. Suspension of the obligation to pay taxes.
  10. Suspension of all tax procedures and tax obligations for the first quarter that must be submitted in April and postponed to July.
  11. Postponement of tax debts without the requirement of a maximum limit on the volume of operations.
  12. Interest-free deferral of income from IGIC, IRPF, IAE, Taxes …
  13. Lower the IBI.
  14. Suspend payment of AJD.
  15. Cancel tax increases of all kinds in the Canary Islands.
  16. Enabling credit lines at 0% interest and with a 24-month grace period.
  17. 50% exemption from the social security contribution of all existing contracts in the Canary Islands in 2021.
  18. Direct compensation measures of up to 75% of the net amount of turnover for those companies that have been limited or prevented from freely exercising their productive activity.


Administrative simplification measures that facilitate both public and private investment:



  1. Declare labor-intensive public contracts an emergency in order to increase and maintain employment.
  2. It is proposed to declare urgent the processing of all procedures related to renovation projects.
  3. It is proposed that, by means of a rule with the force of law, the Land Law and / or the Canary Islands Tourism Law be modified, to regulate a procedure for the authorization of tourism renovation projects equivalent to the one that governs actions of general interest ( art. 334 LSENPC, previously 167 TRLOTENC), so that they can be carried out, even if they are contrary to planning and without the need for a prior municipal license. A regulation equivalent to the electricity sector (art. 6.bis Electricity Sector Law).
  4. Complementary or alternatively, also by means of a rule with the force of law, introduce in the land legislation a mechanism for dispensing with urban standards that prevent the approval of these projects, in the image of the mechanism provided for in the Tourism Law (art. 34 of this Law).
  5. Extend the responsible declaration and positive administrative silence in order to reduce the transaction costs of the administered party.



Measures to recover air connectivity and boost the tourism sector



  1. Exemption from air taxes for at least a period of one year.
  2. Development of a special program to promote connectivity with the islands from the main markets of origin, with specific aid for airlines.
  3. Search for mechanisms at the community level to prevent the bankruptcy of airlines affected by the reduction in travel demand during this period, allowing special public aid for these companies. And carry out, in parallel, a monitoring of the financial situation of the companies and an analysis of the competition system. There is likely to be a major change in airline typology, as well as a reduction in the number of carriers. And an analysis to see which type of airline is the most suitable for our development.
  4. Create an air route rescue fund: a first phase analyzing the routes based on a set of indicators (size, competition, type of airline, direct / indirect traffic) to then develop actions to encourage the development of the route (encouraging the accelerated start-up as long as it is commercially viable depending on the nature of the restrictions by country of origin and ours). Examine packages of fiscal and economic incentives for the development of air bases.