The Office of the Lanzarote Biosphere Reserve and the Tourist Board of the Island Council, together with Trade Promotion Society of Lanzarote (SPEL), are working in publishing a guide to diving in Lanzarote with the aim of spreading the qualities of the island an ideal destination for diving.
Both departments of the Cabildo de Lanzarote jointly developed a guide that aims to combine the promotion of tourism in this product to protecting the underwater environment.
Currently, Lanzarote has 22 of the 62 authorized dive centres that exist in the Canary Islands, representing a 35.4% of the archipelago.
In this regard, the council has launched a promotional campaign in parallel, aiming to attract tourists interested in visiting the island to practice underwater activities.
In this campaign the Tourist Board recently attended the 2011 edition of Dive Travel Show , one of the most important fairs of Spain (and the world) for diving. The island was present at the fair with promotional material which showed the best places in Lanzarote to practice diving.
Similarly, the Tourist Board and the Office of the Biosphere Reserve of Lanzarote have released 2,000 posters and 3,000 promotional leaflets. The posters reflect, in a computer graphics, one of the most attractive dive sites in the Canaries, from the beach of Puerto del Carmen. Meanwhile, leaflets summarizing the content of the dive guide are available, to be completed in the summer of this 2011.
In the same line, the Biosphere Reserve will launch the web, where you can find all relevant information on the underwater activities in Lanzarote. Similarly, the Tourist Board are also preparing the expansion and improvement of the diving section on its website, adding new content, information, photos, videos, etc.. In these improvements the Trust works closely with Aetur.
The edition of the guide and promotional materials is included in the collaboration agreement signed between the Cabildo of Lanzarote and the Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs Minister of Spain, funded by both institutions, whose aim is to achieve of environmental actions in the Lanzarote Biosphere Reserve.
On these actions to promote diving tourism, the Minister of Tourism of the Cabildo of Lanzarote, Carmen González, said “We all know that Lanzarote brings exceptional conditions for practicing a variety of sports. Diving is one of them, and also one that involves spending more on target. Therefore we try to capture this type of tourism within the European Sports Lanzarote Destination seal”.