As you are probably aware 2019 is the Canarian regional election year, and over the past few weeks we have been busy having meetings with the various political parties and these meetings will continue through into next year, up until the elections is May. You may recall we did the same during the last election period in 2015, and at times invited members to join us at these meetings.
The aim of these meetings is to ensure that the parties involved know about the needs of us “the foreign community” and that our needs and civil rights are taken into consideration and acted upon. Regardless of Brexit, we need to ensure that here on this island we are protected, and our fundamental rights remain. As an association, recognised by the Canarian Government and all the political parties, they are asking us to attend meetings and explain how we feel, what issues we have and what our needs are.
One majorly important part of these meetings is the holiday rental situation. The current draft of the vacation rental decree authorises local authorities to allow vacation rentals in their municipalities, subject to conditions and requirements. It is therefore extremely important that we work alongside these political parties to ensure that once the elections are over in May 2019 we can ask for vacation rentals in the various municipalities on behalf of our members.
If you have any concerns or issues that you would like us to raise at these meetings then please send them to us, and we shall include them on your behalf.
As we all know strength is in numbers and the more weight we have behind us gives us a stronger negotiating position, so if you would like to be involved and be part of a likeminded group and having a say in your future then please contact us for membership details.
A reminder that to be eligible to vote in next years local elections you need to be registered by the end of December at your local town hall (Ayuntamiento).