Following the collaboration between the Lanzarote Foreign Promotion Society (Turismo Lanzarote-SPEL) and the Catholic University of Eichstäat-Ingolstadt (Bavaria, Germany) for which a group of students from this center has conducted a study on the model of tourism development of the island, the CEO of the promotional entity, Héctor Fernández gave last week at the University the conference ‘Strategic planning for the sustainable development of a destination’.


After the talk, focused on the perspectives and opportunities that the current moment offers for the development of tourism destinations linked to sustainability, four of the students participating in the study and who finished their Master’s studies in Tourism presented the final thesis of the same entitled ‘Perspectives for the future of the destination Lanzarote in times of change in the tourist environment’.


After both presentations, Héctor Fernández held a meeting with executives of the University in which the possibility of maintaining the cooperation initiated between both parties was left open, which could include practices of German students in the Promotion Entity and a presentation of the thesis in Lanzarote