Thanks to LANCELOT DIGITAL – Torres: “Antigen tests are not a whim and will end up being implemented
The President of the Government of the Canary Islands, Ángel Víctor Torres, affirmed this Wednesday that the decision of the Government of the Canary Islands to add the antigen test to the PCR as a necessary test to travel to the islands “is not a whim” and has been shown ” convinced “that they will finally be implemented, highlighting that the Balearic Islands have also done so.
In response to a question from NC in the control session, he commented that the Canarian Government is going to defend itself legally as a result of the report of the Council of State that rejects the Canarian decree of antigens and is going to end in a conflict of powers.
Torres has stressed that the position of his Government “is clear” and they were “pioneers” with the tourist decree that established the PCR and antigens as ways to stay in establishments, and then there was “a clash” with the central Government, who prefers PCR.
For this reason, he commented that the Canary Islands will continue to insist on achieving the “harmonization” of decrees, defending that they have reports from Public Health and the Hospital de La Candelaria that guarantee their “health security”.
“It was impossible, the State’s criteria are different”, he commented, although he stressed that they act with “political coherence” and “defending the interests of the Canary Islands”, with more than 20,000 Canarian residents who are going to be tested in laboratories and more than 90,000 calls requesting information. “We will walk to provide maximum security,” he stressed.
Luis Campos, spokesman for NC, has commented that the government decree “was not an improvisation” because “there was political consensus, the business sector requested it” and had “scientific support”, showing his surprise at the opposition forces that ” They have been inciting for a long time “to defend the sovereignty of the Canary Islands before the State” and now they are surprised “because it was carried out without prior consensus.
However, he commented that the use of antigen tests, although “it is important”, has taken a back seat after the United Kingdom has included the Canary Islands in the ‘black list’ of tourist destinations and Germany and the Netherlands opt for severe confinements.
Thus, he commented that since the de-escalation began, the Government has been clinging to “hope” to recover the arrival of tourists but “in the end”, the important thing is “individual responsibility and mass vaccination.”