As reported today

Little tourism and practically limited to that of the islands themselves. That is the outlook for the next Holy Week (Easter week) and it is that the epidemiological data make the possibility of aspiring to the arrival of foreign tourism in a remarkable way totally unfeasible. In fact, the Ministry of Tourism confirmed 175,000 seats with the airlines for those dates, or what is the same, a third of what was offered two years ago.

And it is that despite the obvious improvement that has been experienced in destinations such as Lanzarote, the truth is that the Canary Islands continue to be on the risk list of countries as relevant to our tourism as Germany and the United Kingdom have already advanced that until May will allow international travel.


The Minister of Tourism, Yaiza Castilla, pointed out that this decrease in air capacity confirms that “The Canary Islands will not have a Holy Week this year that stands out for its tourist activity, beyond the interior tourism that residents who travel within of the Archipelago “.


Castilla regretted that this situation is partly caused by the epidemiological data recorded by the Canary Islands, where the Accumulated Incidence (AI) at both seven and 14 days is above the ratios accepted by the main issuing countries to allow trips without restrictions. This is the case of Germany, which on March 12 decided to remove six Spanish communities from its list of risk areas due to Covid, among which was not the Canary Islands, whose AI at 14 days exceeds one hundred cases per 100,000 population.


“For this reason, we continue to make an appeal to the population residing in the Islands so that all of us take extreme security measures and respect the established restrictions since, if we do not do so, we not only put our health at risk, but also our health. engine of our economy “, argues the counselor.


Nor can we count on national tourism, since the perimeter closures of the communities will mean a ‘de facto’ closure of the Canary Islands that will prevent the displacement of peninsulars.




In this way, the only asset available is local tourism, which will partly occupy the few accommodation establishments that remain open. The forecasts of the sector, which had already been saying for months that the only feasible hopes had to be put in the summer, since Easter would pass for the sector, without pain or glory.