The Holy Week measures have already entered into force
Both Lanzarote and La Graciosa will continue at level 2 of the health alert for covid and, from this Friday, until April 9, the specific measures designed to keep the covid at bay during Holy Week have been put in place.
In this sense, the Government of the Canary Islands has again appealed to the population to extreme compliance with the set of specific and temporary measures adopted by the Executive to try to reduce infections.
It should be noted that in this period all those who travel from one island to another must, except in the case that they do so for justified reasons, that is for work or health reasons, do so with a PCR or negative antigen test. In any case, they will have to carry with them a responsible statement of the reasons for which they travel.
The meetings are limited to four people, also in the hotel industry, meetings in homes will be prohibited and the curfew will be similar to that of level 3, Lanzarote residents will not be able to leave home between 22:00 and 06:00 hours.