The aid for SMEs and the self-employed has not just arrived and the Lanzarote business community is increasingly suffocated with a tourism crisis that is already lasting much longer than initially expected. The Lanzarote Business Confederation (CEL) has called on the island council to fulfill its commitments with the island’s business fabric and resolve once and for all the aid to SMEs and the self-employed due to income losses as a result of the pandemic.
The president of the entity, Francisco Martínez, emphasizes that the entrepreneurs of Lanzarote are pending to receive aid for which six million euros were allocated by the insular Institution, and he did so anticipating that in the month of March they would be available.
Meanwhile, the SMEs and the self-employed who depend on these aid to survive, continue to suffocate waiting for unfulfilled commitments, contributing to the destruction of the island’s business fabric and, consequently, employment.
For all these reasons, Francisco Martínez requires the Island Council to resolve these aid once, to complete the administrative processes and to allow these economic aid to reach its legitimate recipients at once.
Likewise, the president of CEL regrets the dramatic situation that the commercial and economic fabric of Lanzarote is experiencing, which means that many SMEs have already closed their doors definitively by not perceiving the promised economic commitments.
Finally, Francisco Martínez considers it essential and necessary that once the aid is made effective so that the insular business fabric that still resists, can survive until the arrival of a social and economic normality.