Thanks to  LANCELOT DIGITAL –  Lanzarote is still in Phase 2

Few or no changes will occur in the archipelago. According to the “exhaustive study” carried out by the members of the regional government, Lanzarote will continue in Phase 2 like the rest of the islands of the archipelago that will continue as they were each of them.


It is true that with the end of the State of Alarm just around the corner (Saturday, May 9) things promised changes. However, Ángel Víctor Torres, as president, has communicated at a press conference that control must continue to be maintained and that even after the State of Alarm “current measures will be maintained.”


The regional government does not want to carry out an exercise of total openness and will maintain a certain control in the entrances / exits of the islands and in the personal limitation at the time of meeting. The possibility of lengthening the curfew or the perimeter closure, among other things, is also contemplated.


When does the State of Alarm end?


Does the state of alarm end on Saturday, Sunday or Monday? Faced with the imminent arrival of the end of the state of alarm, many citizens wonder what day and at what time it ends exactly.


The measure, published in Royal Decree 926/2020, establishes that the duration of the state of alarm is from 00:00 hours on November 9, 2020 to 00:00 hours on May 9, 2021. That means, that the state of alarm ends the night of Saturday, May 8 to Sunday, May 9.