Everything you need to know about antigen tests that you can buy in pharmacies
The antigen tests can already be purchased in pharmacies from this Tuesday and will have a price that will range between 6 and 10 euros, although the cost will not be regulated by the Government, but will be set between the one that the laboratories determine for sale. to the pharmacies and the retail price set by them. They do not need a prescription and will begin to be dispatched from the moment the Council of Ministers approves the decree that will allow their sale without a prescription on Tuesday.
It will be a self-test and it will be the user himself who performs the test in his own home in a very simple way, with saliva or with a sample from the nose taken with a swab in the case of the antigen test or with a serological test that, from a finger prick, it diagnoses the antibody load.
It is essential that, once the result is known, if it is positive, the family doctor must be informed, since it will be necessary to do a second test at the medical center to clear up any doubts.
For this reason, this type of tool plays a mere “complement” role, according to the standards of the Spanish Medicines Agency. In addition, for this type of test to work correctly, it is necessary to “carefully follow the instructions for use” and this institution insists that it is important to take the sample well, since “a poor quality sample can give an erroneous test”.
How to know if a pharmacy antigen test is positive
When performing this type of test, it must be taken into account that there is a possibility that false positives and false negatives may be obtained when a person without symptoms or with a low viral load is tested.
In the case of a positive result, two horizontal colored lines will be displayed: the test line (T) and the control line (C). On the contrary, if it is negative, a single horizontal colored line will appear, the control line (C). Test results are obtained 15 minutes after the test is performed.