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The Lanzarote Business and Residents Association have once again planned a number of Christmas events. This year for the first time, we have arranged an event for Playa Blanca.

On Friday 14th December a Christmas lantern parade is being held in Playa Blanca, any funds raised will go to Cancer research and Lanzarote’s PerpetuARTE.  We are looking for more volunteers to help on the evening, or any singers, or street entertainers who can provide a festive feel for the evening.  If anyone is interested in helping out then please contact Sally on 670 690 085

Saturday 22nd December (date to be confirmed) sees the ever popular annual

Father Christmas Parade in Puerto del Carmen. Participants and volunteers are needed.

Sunday 23rd December is the date for the second Christmas Concert in Costa Teguise.

Singers, musicians and entertainers are required.

To end the year there will be the New Years Eve Fire Work display in Puerto del Carmen.

For further details please email or telephone 638 240 224. We are a non profit making association and therefore sponsorship is needed to help fund the events. Anyone wishing to sponsor an event is asked to contact us.