The president of the Cabildo of Lanzarote, María Dolores Corujo, and the president of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Lanzarote and La Graciosa, José Torres Fuentes, have signed the collaboration agreement that will speed up the management and processing of the aid destined to alleviate the economic impact that the health crisis generated by Covid-19 is causing on self-employed workers and small companies on the islands of Lanzarote and La Graciosa.


The document establishes the guidelines that will allow the chamber to distribute the 6 million euros that the Cabildo de Lanzarote will allocate, initially, to the beneficiaries of this aid program in accordance with the criteria established in the regulatory bases and the call for the subsidy. The Chamber of Commerce must also verify the compliance and effectiveness of the determining conditions for their granting and finally justify the delivery of the funds received from the First Insular Institution.


The president of the Insular Corporation, María Dolores Corujo, has celebrated the launching “of a program that will provide a framework of trust and security to the self-employed and SMEs of Lanzarote and La Graciosa, to dozens of families, from which to face the future with better prospects. Let no one have the slightest doubt, “he insisted,” that this government group is not going to leave anyone behind. ”



Along the same lines, the Minister of Commerce, Carmen Guadalupe, has considered that this program “will contribute significantly to the recovery and revitalization of an essential sector for the island’s economic activity that has been especially punished during the pandemic.”