The air traffic controllers’ strike in Germany is expected to affect 70 flights to the Canary Islands and Lanzarote is in particular due to suffer.
The strike that GDF controllers’ union has called for Germany on Tuesday could affect about 70 scheduled flights between Germany and the Canary Islands. As reported by Spanish Airports and Air Navigation (AENA), the islands that could be most affected by the strike will be Lanzarote and Fuerteventura.
Of the Canarian airports, the two easternmost islands are those with greater frequency of flights from Germany. Thus, Lanzarote has scheduled 13 departures and 13 arrivals to this country. Fuerteventura, meanwhile, has scheduled 12 arrivals and 12 departures.
The German air safety department has already announced its intention to resort to the courts for this strike, as they did the previous week, when the labor court banned a strike that would have paralyzed similar German airspace on Thursday.
The GDF is, according to El Pais, half of the 5,000 air traffic controllers in Germany. The union demanded a wage increase of 6.5 percent, and improved working conditions, hours of operation and limit to overtime. If it does materialize, would be the first nationwide strike in the industry and affect the country’s 16 international airports.