Whether you voted for Remain or Brexit or did not vote, the result has been decided and unless something happens to derail it “Brexit” will happen and that could affect us all and we must think about protecting our future interests.
Many of our members have been in contact with us in respect of “Brexit” and have worries about how it could affect them, their businesses, their lifestyles and their homes and properties. Of course at the moment no one has the answers but there are a number of groups that have been formed to try and campaign and lobby to help protect the rights of “foreigners” living abroad. The association is of course extremely concerned about the situation and how long term we may all be affected and we have therefore decided to support one such group called “Bremain in Spain”.
For those of you who may not know about “Bremain in Spain it was founded last year by Carrie Frais and later Sue Wilson took over as Chair with John Moffett assisting with administration and together they have moved the group forward, with increased membership, subgroups and more administrators.
They are pro Europe, pro Remain and anti Brexit and below is their mission statement.
We believe in a tolerant, outward-looking and caring society and are convinced this is best achieved by the UK remaining a member of the EU. We support the rights of EU citizens who have made a life in the UK, or who may wish to do so in future. We believe that freedom of movement is a positive force for the health and wealth of the UK and the EU, and for their respective citizens, regardless of nationality.We are actively campaigning on a number of initiatives and are helped by a team of skilled and dedicated volunteers. Our site gives details of our campaigns and links to resources which are useful for information and for taking direct action by communicating with politicians.
If you would like to find out more about Bremain and their values and aims then have a look at their website and follow them on facebook.
If you have any concerns about your future in Lanzarote then we would encourage you to join this group and show your support. There is no fee you just need to register on their site and of course share the details with family, friends and colleagues, the more support the better it will be. As we have always said the bigger the number the louder the voice. This is the link to register http://www.bremaininspain.com/
As you know we are a non political association and are not affiliated to any groups but in this instance we felt that by offering our support and that if we could help them in any way it could only be for the benefit of us all, our members represent a large proportion of foreigners in Lanzarote and we need to protect our and our younger generation’s future.
They are an extremely committed group and in fact Bremain in Spain’s very own Sue Wilson appeared on Tuesday 18 January in an evidence session of the cross-party Select Committee for Exiting the European Union, which took place at Portcullis House, Houses of Parliament, Westminster,London. The session examined the rights of EU citizens in the UK and UK citizens living in EU countries.
If you should have any questions or issues you would like to discuss then please do not hesitate to contact us.