We are aware of rumours and misinformation circulating about the deadline for UK nationals to be registered as resident in order to be covered by the Withdrawal Agreement. Please be assured, there is no change to the rights of UK nationals to live or move to Spain during the transition period, which runs until 31 December. There are no deadlines in February or March of this year. Anyone who is legally residing in Spain by the end of this year will be covered by the Withdrawal Agreement.
The Spanish authorities are working with the European Commission to introduce a specific Foreigners’ Identity Card (Tarjeta de Identidad de Extranjero or TIE) for any UK national in Spain who has rights under the Withdrawal Agreement. This has not yet been introduced. But in the meantime we can confirm:
– If you already have the green registration certificate (whether that’s A4 or credit card-sized and whether it says “permanente” or not), this will remain a valid residency document, even after the transition period ends on 31 December.
– If you are not yet registered as a resident but obtain a residency appointment before the TIE is introduced, you will be issued with a green certificate
– Once the TIE is introduced, anyone who has a green certificate will have the right to request it
– Anyone who does not have a green residence certificate by the time the card is introduced, but who applies to register after that date and during the transition period, will be issued with the new TIE.
We will update you as soon as we have information on when and how the new card will be introduced, and the process for applying. However, there will be no deadline by which time those UK nationals already in possession of a green certificate must have a TIE, so there is no need to panic.
We are aware that in some areas there is currently limited appointment availability for those wishing to register. Do keep checking the booking system regularly as more appointments will be made available: https://sede.administracionespublicas.gob.es/icp…/index.html
For further info sign up for updates to gov.uk/livinginspain and keep an eye on the Spanish government website at http://www.lamoncloa.gob.es/…/howtopr…/Paginas/citizens.aspx