Lanzarote Business and Residents Association would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who has joined the LBA and the Lanzarote Property Owners project. The support the project has received from residents and property owners has been terrific. Many owners and businesses have joined even though they do not have property to rent. Why have they joined? They have come to realise just how vital this project is for the survival of the island. The success the project has so far achieved has been tremendous. This is not only due to the amount of hard work the LBA and LPO commission has done but also to the incredible amount of support it has received from the Lanzarote community.
Since the LPO project began in August 2012 the LBA membership has increased dramatically now propelling the LBA to being one of the largest associations in Lanzarote. LBA president Daniel Trigg is delighted by the response from new members particularly as he says people are now actually beginning to understand what the LBA is all about. People are now realising just what the association can achieve and how it can help the residents, businesses and property owners on Lanzarote.
The LBA, formed in 2008 is a non profit making organisation that can assist its members in everyday matters such as problems with utility companies, lawyers translations, official documents etc It can also as in the case of the Lanzarote Property Owners undertake huge projects that can help make a real difference to the island.
Kevin Roper head of the LPO commission is cautiously optimistic about the outcome of the project. He states that all meetings to date with many important and influential figures as well as various authorities including the Ayuntamiento, Cabildo and the Canarian Government have been very very positive. The LPO project is now widely recognised and accepted by the authorities and the people with the power to make decisions. Contact with these people is fundamental and the decision makers are now listening and taking on board the suggestions and ideas. As always stated the LPO project needed a high volume of members in order to be taken seriously and thanks to the many people who have joined this is what is now happening. We are getting our voices heard and we will continue to lobby to ensure the authorities listen to us.
Due to the large number of members in the Tias municipality, 3 individual projects have already been started and architects employed to produce plans of properties to be including in the designated touristic areas. High volume support like this is needed from the areas of Costa Tegusie and Playa Blanca as well as rural areas.
It is still not too late to register your property or become a LBA member and show your support. To find out how contact or Tel. 638 240 224
The LBA has arranged a public meeting with Teguise Mayor Oswaldo Betancort on Tuesday 27th November at 6.30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Centro Sociocultural de Nazaret. Although this is a public meeting we would ask if you could please confirm your attendance to
Once again the LBA and LPO would like to say how much they appreciate the support they have been given and would urge others to join the project which is for the good of the whole community.