The arrival of the 75% discount for flights to the peninsula has been taken as the news of the year,not only for those who want to take a weekend getaway, but especially for students, workers who have to travel or to visit their family 

Lancelot Digital has been consulting the pages of several companies and you can fly from Lanzarote to Madrid from October 18 to 21 on Ryanair for 46.10 euros, 18.42 for the round trip and 27.68 for the round trip. If you want to travel to the same destination and with the same company on the weekend of August 24-26, the price will be 74.10 euros.



The same weekend of October with the Iberia company, it would leave for 100 euros in direct flight. If you want to fly in August, the price is exactly the same, 100 euros. 


Companies like Air Europa saw in Monday’s day when the canaries premiered the 75% discount, as their activity multiplied by two. Nor forget that Binter makes routes from the Canary Islands to Palma de Mallorca or Vigo, suffering yesterday a notable increase in the purchase of tickets.