From this Monday , July 16, the Canarians can travel to the peninsula with a 75% discount, it will be from 9 in the morning when tickets can be purchased with the same bonus as trips between islands. 


This morning the Council of Ministers approved  the increase of the subsidy, as agreed by Minister Ábalos, the president of the Canary Islands, Fernando Clavijo and the president of the Balearic Islands, Francina Armengol, and at the meeting held in Madrid last Tuesday 3 of July.


This agreement also benefits Ceuta, Melilla and the Balearic Islands , historical claim due to the territorial fragmentation of the Spanish state. 


Ábalos pointed out that the General State Budget Law for 2018, which came into force on July 5, contemplated an increase in this bonus that had to be approved by the Government, but what the new Government found was not a automatic application of this bonus in budgets, but rather an “authorization”, has pointed out, to approve this increase.


The concern now is that airlines raise prices before the entrance of this discount , although it seems that the relevant administrations will take measures in this regard.