The Cabildo releases more than 41 million remnants to promote the socioeconomic reactivation of Lanzarote


Corujo: ‘We are implementing a measure aimed at protecting the population, favoring the groups and economic sectors that have suffered the most from the consequences of the pandemic’

The Cabildo of Lanzarote has released more than 41 million euros of surpluses, specifically 41,459,382.31 euros, to promote the social and economic reactivation of the island.

The president of the First Insular Institution, María Dolores Corujo, stressed that the release of the remnants will make it possible to “make a measure to protect the population, to favor the groups and economic sectors that have asked us for more aid because more have suffered the consequences of the pandemic ”. Corujo also advanced his willingness to continue working to “soon, convene a new Extraordinary Plenary that allows us to incorporate new resources and remnants to guarantee responses to the most affected groups and sectors.”

Social services, scholarship programs, with more than 700,000 euros earmarked for student aid, and employment promotion are the areas that will benefit the most from these new lines of aid.

For their part, the municipal cooperation plans will receive an injection of 5.3 million euros.

Similarly, the remainder will provide another six million euros to subsidies for micro-SMEs and self-employed on the island that, for the same amount, have begun to be processed this week. “We are committed to reinforcing support for one of the most affected economic sectors during the last year and a half,” explained the Minister of Finance, Rosa Callero.

These 41 million remnants approved today by the Cabildo will also serve to increase aid for the island’s primary sector, handicrafts, cultural and sports activities, groups and associations from different fields, animal protection societies and waste management, among many others.

Likewise, it highlights a game of 495,000 euros that will be used to help families at risk of eviction through municipal collaboration lines.