It’s incredible to think we are just three weeks away from Christmas, and summer was months ago. One of the reasons it is hard to believe is that the temperature here in Lanzarote is still in the mid 20’s almost everyday, and we’ve had an amazing start to December weather wise. Lanzarote is definitely living up to its reputation as one of the best places to visit for winter sun! Many of the beaches are packed during the day, with people sunbathing and swimming. Temperatures back home in the UK are at least 10 degrees colder, cloudy, grey, and rainy. We know where we would prefer to spend winter!

Photo Credit: Lanzarote Information

As Christmas is almost here it is also just two weeks tomorrow until the hugely popular LBRA Annual Christmas Santa Parade in collaboration with Tías Ayuntamiento, set to take place in Puerto del Carmen. Unfortunately the event didn’t take place last year to the disappointment of many, but this year it will be back and bigger and better than ever! After meetings and a final confirmation from the authorities, we are pleased to announce that the parade will take place on Saturday 19th December, with a meeting time of 5.30pm, and the parade set to start at 6.00pm.

Photo Credit: Lanzarote Information

We hope to make it a great event this year, and would love to see as many Santa’s as possible taking part. Anyone who wants to dress up as Santa is more than welcome to join us, or you can just come along and show your support for all those taking part. It is definitely a case of the more the merrier! Please contact us via email: or on our Facebook Page if you wish to take part or if your business wants to get involved.

We will be sharing more information over the next couple of weeks on our Facebook Page and Twitter, so make sure to follow us there to keep up to date with news about the parade. The most important news though, is that the parade is officially back on, so get ready to party!

We would like to wish a huge thanks to John and Irene from Go Karting San Bartolome for helping to organise the event,and thanks also to the councillors Amado Vizcaino and Francisco Aparicio from Ayuntamiento de Tías for their cooperation. – See more at: