Please note the information given is not an application for a tourist licence, it is an opportunity to submit a declaration of responsibility for renting establishments.
As we are sure you will be aware there is a great deal of information being circulated at the moment in respect of villa rentals and tourism licenses. Once such source is a letter that has been produced by lawyers Eileen and Mario Izquierdo. Although LPO lawyers we had not instructed them to prepare this letter, this was their own information which they have chosen to share. You will see below a copy of their letter for your perusal and we would suggest you read and digest the information fully. This is our and their legal advice on this particular matter.
As they are not exclusive to the LPO, the lawyers are quite right to circulate this information to their clients, and other interested parties. You will also see what we have said in the forthcoming February edition of the Lanzarote Gazette concerning this issue. However due to the fact that the letter has now been widely received and the amount of enquires we have received from members we thought it advisable to clarify matters with you now.
The information contained within the letter is quite correct in that there is a period of time available, for owners of detached properties to submit a declaration of responsibility for renting establishments to the Cabildo. This is not an application for a tourist licence. Applications need to be completed by 28th February. This is of course subject to the property meeting the requisite standards, facilities and services. This applies to detached properties, regardless of their position or location on the island of Lanzarote.
As stated in the letter from the lawyers the process in case that the application is rejected can be a` collective´ process which would certainly strengthen the case and reduce costs. The LBA / LPO are a non profit making, neutral association that has been formed as a collective with one common goal to find a way forward to the regulation of holiday rentals according to the law.
As stated by our lawyers there is no guarantee that once submitted the authorities will approve the applications and we include the statement as included in their letter below;
- b The section of the Council dealing with the applications has assured their independence from the department dealing with inspections, and that if legalisation of the lets is not achieved; this would not give rise to any negative consequences at least as a consequence of the application itself.
We feel it is in your interest as a property owner to include your property.
How to proceed; You can contact your lawyer or the LPO lawyers, Eileen or Mario Izquierdo direct or telephone 928 815 262 or contact the LPO architect Javier Perez Figares at Estudio Sur, telephone 928 833 526
What we wish to make clear is that we are fully supportive of all members irrespective of the type of property owned.
We would also like to remind members that Danny, Kevin, Nick and John are always happy to speak with LPO members who may have any concerns or questions.
Daniel Trigg, Kevin Roper, Nick Brumby, John Sheriston