The Cabildo of Lanzarote and the Insular Council of Menorca closed on Monday, March 11, with the reading of a joint statement, the commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of the declaration of both Biosphere Reserves (Unesco). The result of this twinning and the will of both administrations to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the title, there have been numerous acts and joint activities between both islands during the past and present year.
With the reading of this commemorative manifesto that has been in charge of the technicians David Carreras of the Observatory of Environmental Sustainability of Menorca and Aquilino Miguelez of the Biosphere Reserve of Lanzarote, this joint program was closed, after the presentation also this past end week of the statistical study developed by the Observatory of the Menorca Biosphere Reserve and the Data Center of the Island Council of Lanzarote ‘Lanzarote-Menorca Indicators System’.
The study on the evolution of the indicators of both islands in these 25 years, has been directed by David Carreras and Maite Pons of the Menorca Biosphere Reserve Observatory and by Miguel Ángel Martín Rosa and Raquel Gil of the Data Center of Lanzarote . In the act that made known the most relevant and comparative data of the evolution of both islands in figures, were also present, among others, the Minister of the Reserve of the Biosphere, Rafael Juan González Robayna, and the Minister of Culture of the Insular Council of Menorca, Miquel Àngel Maria Ballester, who were also accompanied by the technicians of both administrations.
After the presentation of the study, published on the website of the Biosphere Reserve of Lanzarote (direct link to the document:, a poetic recital was offered for the edition of the book ‘Miradas / Mirades’ by the poets Daniela Martín and Rafael Hernández from Lanzarote and Silvia Pons and Pere Gomila from Menorca. This book of poems has been edited by the Publications Service of the Cabildo de Lanzarote, directed by the Minister of Culture, Óscar Pérez, on the occasion of the commemorative acts and joint activities developed for this 25th Anniversary.
The president of the Cabildo of Lanzarote, Pedro San Ginés, wanted to convey his “special thanks to the technical team of the Lanzarote Biosphere Reserve, as well as the rest of the areas that have participated and have been involved during these events to commemorate this event. date, from the cultural, educational, environmental and social participation, among others, as well as extending its recognition to all those social, collective, volunteer and collaborating entities of the actions carried out since the plenary session of October 2017 gave green light to the celebration of this joint commemoration with the sister island of Menorca, to whom we also thank their hospitality with Lanzarote and contribution with this commemorative program “.