At the quarterly meeting of the Insular Council of Volunteers and Associations,CIVITAS, held on March 12th, the Department of Citizenship and Immigration of the Cabildo of Lanzarote presented the proposal to develop its Strategic Plan for the current year. As the Lanzarote Business and Residents Association is one of the members of CIVITAS we attended the first meeting of this year in which this proposal was approved unanimously.
The Cabildo councillor and President of the Associations council, Juan Antonio de la Hoz, confirmed
that this year the Spanish courses for foreigners will continue as “these workshops are highly demanded by the citizens of the different municipalities”
He also explained that Strategic Plans will be drafted and later coordinated according to the criteria provided by the local authorities, associations and citizens of Lanzarote.
The CIVITAS plenary also approved the proposal submitted by the Committee of the associations that are represented in CIVITAS. They are working on the organization of a fun and informative event that will encourage the integration and active involvement of the different communities represented in the Insular Council.