Lanzarote reached its vaccination record in a single day on Tuesday, a total of 1,027 vaccinations. This makes clear the good functioning of the island’s health system, whose professionals are trained to achieve these vaccination levels and that, if there are no further delays in the arrival of vaccines, the expected limits could be reached and vaccination of flock this summer.

In this sense, on the last day, 9 first doses and 9 second doses of the vaccine were given in group 2, that is, first-line personnel in the health and social-health field; 3 first doses and 10 second doses in group 3, that is, other health and social-health personnel, private consultations, dentists, etc.

In addition, 816 first doses were given to people in group 5, or what is the same, people over eighty years of age.


25 first doses were given to group 3B, other health personnel not yet vaccinated such as physiotherapists, people from pharmacy offices, etc. and 155 first doses to people belonging to group 6, Security Forces, Emergencies and Armed Forces. Includes: Civil Guard, National, Autonomous and Local Police, Firefighters, technicians from the Security Forces and Bodies, professionals from Civil Protection, Emergencies and the Armed Forces.