The Lanzarote Business Confederation (CEL) has published a report within the project ‘Employability Lanzarote’, which has the support of the Cabildo de Lanzarote, through which it is determined that employment has increased by 9% in the last year , increasing Social Security affiliations on the Island by 4,922 people and reaching 59,348 affiliates.


These data contrast with the 6.5% increase registered throughout the Canary Islands in the last twelve months, which represents 2.5% less than the island of Lanzarote.


The president of CEL, Francisco Martínez, values ​​the increase in affiliations and, in general, the good figures in terms of employment on the Island. “We are satisfied because the levels of affiliation that were in February 2020 have already been exceeded, just before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic,” he says.


“This positive evolution has been favored by the different measures designed by public and private entities, and in the case of Lanzarote, by projects such as ‘Lanzarote Employability 21/22’, which has made it possible to subsidize the hiring of 51 unemployed people in the Island”, underlines the president. In this sense, Martínez concludes that “in this positive evolution the actions carried out by the Business Confederation have collaborated, through the ‘Lanzarote Employability’ project, financed by the Employment Council of the Island Council with FDCAN funds”.


With regard to other figures produced by the report, the increase of 10.41% in affiliations in the General Scheme (salaried persons) stands out, compared to the slight increase in the Scheme for Self-Employed Workers (Self-Employed), which rose by 3.56%. In contrast, there are affiliations to the Domestic Employees Regime, which decreased by 3.11%.


The figures for the decrease in unemployment have also evolved positively and, again, better at the insular level than in the whole of the Archipelago. The 9,607 unemployed people registered in September 2022 contrast with the 12,903 in the same month of 2021, so there are 3,296 fewer people in this situation, which is equivalent to a decrease in unemployment of 25.54%, by 11, 66% of the regional average.