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ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst and NASA’s Stephanie Wilson are participating in the 5th edition of the PANGEA program, which will take them to land on the island in the coming days


The president of the Cabildo de Lanzarote, María Dolores Corujo, and the director of Geoparque Lanzarote and Archipiélago Chinijo, Jorge Peñas, celebrate the recent return to the island of the European Space Agency (ESA), on the occasion of the celebration of a new geological and astrobiological training program in planetary analogs for PANGEAA astronauts.

ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst and NASA’s Stephanie Wilson are taking part in the fifth edition of this intensive course that will take them to different parts of Europe and to land in Lanzarote in the next few days, to learn how to navigate geological environments and prepare to go to the Moon or Mars. On the island they will learn about the geological interactions between volcanic activity and water, two key factors in the search for life. 

“The uniqueness of our volcanic landscapes and their similarity to the lunar landscape have made Lanzarote one of the best training camps in the world for astronauts, geologists and scientists, which is of incalculable value”, highlights the president of the Cabildo de Lanzarote, Maria Dolores Corujo.