The “Best Winter Destination 2018” prize awarded by the Irish Travel Industry (ITI) to the best winter destination in the winter season, through the Association of Travel Agents of Ireland (ITAA), within the Irish Travel Industry Awards Awards, has been one more year to Lanzarote . With this edition there are already 16 consecutive years where Lanzarote has been awarded in Ireland.
After thanking the delivery of this distinction, the Minister of Tourism Promotion of the Cabildo of Lanzarote and at the same time president of the Board of Directors of the Foreign Promotion Society of Lanzarote (SPEL-Lanzarote Tourism), Ángel Vázquez, said that the award of this award for the 16th time in a row “it shows the attractiveness of the island at any time of year and the special fondness that Irish tourists have for Lanzarote”.

In this regard, it should be remembered that Lanzarote also received the ‘Best Sun Holiday Destination’ award in November for the fifth time in a row awarded by the Irish Travel Trade News (ITTN) magazine. the tourism industry in Ireland that annually organizes the ITTA (Irish Travel Trade Awards).
In fact, according to data from Promotur-Frontur, between January and November last year, 270,538 tourists from Ireland enjoyed their vacations in Lanzarote, 8.8% more than they did in the same period of 2017, which places to the Irish tourism market as the third in importance for the island after those of the United Kingdom and Germany.
As reported by the Cabildo, Ángel Vázquez, who congratulated and highlighted the work of the Spanish Office of Tourism of Dublin, awarded as the best Tourism Office in the world, also attended a representation of Tourism Lanzarote in which included the counselor delegate, Héctor Fernández, to the ‘Holiday World Show’, the most important tourism fair in Ireland.
Similarly, the counselor was present at the gala organized the following day by the means of tourist communication Travel Extra , which was attended by about 150 journalists specialized in providing information on this sector in the country of the clover. Finally, Turismo Lanzarote also met at ‘The Bride of the Year’, an important wedding fair held this weekend in the Irish capital.
St Patrick’s Day in Puerto del Carmen
Tías City Council welcomes the new award for Lanzarote awarded in Ireland that shows that “the operators and Irish travel agents are delighted with Lanzarote rewarding the island again for its kindness as a tourist destination.”
As highlighted by the southern city council, the Department of Tourism is promoting these days the tourist destination of Puerto del Carmen among those attending the Irish tourism fair , which this week has been held in Dublin. More than half of the nearly 300,000 tourists who traveled last year to the island of Lanzarote were accommodated in tourist establishments in the municipality of Tías.
The Department of Tourism of Tías, under the direction of Deputy Mayor and Councilor for Tourism and Culture, Amado Jesus Vizcaino, is promoting the tourism promotion of Puerto del Carmen among visitors to the Country of the clover. A tourist of high spending power in destination and loyalty to Puerto del Carmen and Lanzarote as a favorite destination.
Thus, as a promotional line, the Department of Tourism has promoted in this Tourism Fair in Dublin the celebration of St Patrick’s Day in Puerto del Carmen and Lanzarote, which takes place every year on March 17, where the area of La Tiñosa It becomes a great outdoor party where thousands of Irish people participate.
The deputy mayor of Tias, Amado Jesus Vizcaino, has been present at this fair with businessmen and managers of resorts in Puerto del Carmen to publicize the program of this celebration and the good attractions that Puerto del Carmen and the island have of the volcanoes for the enjoyment of the holidays of the Irish.
The Department of Tourism of Tías, to publicize this celebration of St Patrick’s Day in Puerto del Carmen and Lanzarote, has enjoyed the cooperation of tour operator Sunway, the largest in Ireland.
The Deputy Mayor and Councilor for Tourism of Tías is also pleased that Tourism Lanzarote has accepted the request and proposal of the City of Tias to participate in this important fair of Dublin with its own stand of Lanzarote, which has been these days high interest that exists between the Irish by the destination Lanzarote. Amado Jesús Vizcaíno congratulates Turismo Lanzarote for this decision and is committed to this tourist market with the assembly of its own stand at the Fair.
In addition, the Tourism area of Tías has also promoted Puerto del Carmen and Lanzarote as a destination for weddings, where it has a great potential for growth in the Irish market.