Below is the link for the latest official bulletin which comes into force from today, it should automatically translate into English but if not we have pasted it below. There seems to be some confusion regarding point 4.2 and further clarification is expected.
Adopted by the Government of the Canary Islands, in an extraordinary session held on August 20, 2020, the agreement that approves the update of certain prevention measures established by the Government Agreement of June 19, 2020, to deal with the health crisis caused by COVID-19, once Phase III of the Plan for the transition to a new normal has been passed, the validity of the measures of the state of alarm has ended, and in accordance with the sixth section of the aforementioned agreement,
Provide for the publication of the Agreement approving the updating of certain prevention measures established by the Government Agreement of June 19, 2020, to face the health crisis caused by COVID-19, once Phase III of the Plan has been passed for the transition towards a new normality, once the validity of the measures of the state of alarm, which appears as an annex, has ended.
Santa Cruz de Tenerife, August 20, 2020.- The General Secretary, Cándida Hernández Pérez.
The Government of the Canary Islands, in an extraordinary session held on August 20, 2020, adopted, among others, the following Agreement:
The Government of the Canary Islands, in a session held on June 19, 2020, adopted the Agreement establishing prevention measures to face the health crisis caused by COVID-19, once Phase III of the Plan of transition towards a new normality, once the validity of the measures of the state of alarm has ended.

Through Government Agreements of July 2 and 9, and of August 3 and 13, 2020, the update of certain prevention measures established by Government Agreement of June 19, 2020, was approved, to face the health crisis caused due to COVID-19, once Phase III of the Plan for the transition to a new normal has been passed, and the validity of the measures of the state of alarm has ended.
The Ministry of Health, after a meeting of the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System under the provisions of article 65 of Law 16/2003, of May 28, on Cohesion and Quality of the National Health System, has communicated the Order Ministerial of August 14, 2020, approving the declaration of coordinated actions in public health to respond to the situation of special risk derived from the increase in positive cases due to COVID-19 that will produce effects until it is approved by the Ministry of Health the end of its validity.
Section 2 of the aforementioned article 65 of Law 16/2003, of May 28, establishes that the aforementioned declaration of coordinated actions in public health approved by the Ministry of Health, prior agreement of the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System, with a hearing of communities directly affected, it is mandatory for all parties included.
Having seen the report of the General Directorate of Public Health dated August 20, 2020, regarding the epidemiological situation in the Autonomous Community on August 19.
Organic Law 3/1986, of April 14, on Special Measures in Public Health Matters, and Laws 14/1986, of April 25, General Health and 33/2011, of October 4, General Public Health , establish the possible adoption of measures by health authorities in situations of risk to people’s health.
In this regard, Royal Decree-Law 21/2020, of June 9, on urgent prevention, containment and coordination measures to face the health crisis caused by COVID-19 establishes, in its Chapter II, a series of general prevention and hygiene measures, which must be complemented in certain specific areas of the activity sectors, by the competent administrations in the matter.
In the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter V of Title II of Law 11/1994, of July 26, on Health Management of the Canary Islands, embodied in its articles 42 and following, the Government of the Canary Islands, as Ultimately responsible for the orderly, efficient and effective operation of the health activities of the Public Administrations of the Canary Islands, has assigned the powers of organization, planning, direction, supervision, control, inspection and sanitary, social health and public health sanction, showing, in By virtue of the provisions of article 28 of the same legal text, the character of health authority for the determination of administrative intervention actions in the field of health that are contemplated in its articles 25 and 26.
By virtue of this, the Government, after deliberating, and at the proposal of the Minister of Health, agrees to approve the updating of certain prevention measures established by the Government Agreement of June 19, 2020, to face the health crisis caused by COVID- 19, once Phase III of the Plan for the transition towards a new normal has been passed, the validity of the measures of the state of alarm has ended, in the following sense:
First.- Number 11 of section 2.1 relative to “General measures in matters of capacity and safety distance” is modified, which is drawn up in the following terms:
“2.1.11. In mass events, a risk assessment must be carried out by the health authority in accordance with the provisions of the document” Recommendations for mass events and activities in the context of the new normality due to COVID-19 in Spain “, agreed in the Public Health Commission of the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System. Based on this evaluation, each event of these characteristics must have the authorization of the autonomous community. For this purpose, the request of the owners, promoters or organizers of the activities, public or private, must include a Contagion Prevention Plan, in accordance with the criteria cited in said document. ”
Second.- Section 2.4 relative to “Extraordinary exception to capacity limitations” is eliminated.
Third.- Section 3.2 is amended. relative to “Restoration activities” and its title, which is drawn up in the following terms:
“3.2. Hotel and restaurant activities.
In hotel, restaurant and terrace establishments, as well as in beach bars and restaurants:
a) A separation distance of 1.5 meters must be respected, between tables or groups of tables, as well as in the bar, between clients or groups. The maximum occupancy per table or group of tables indoors and outdoors will be ten people. The table or group of tables used for this purpose must be consistent with the number of people, allowing the minimum interpersonal safety distance to be respected.
In any case, the establishments must have the aforementioned separation distance adequately marked.
b) The use of letters of common use will be avoided, having to opt for their own electronic devices, blackboards, posters, QR or other similar means.
c) Auxiliary elements of the service, such as crockery, glassware, cutlery or linens, bread baskets, coffee cups, among others, will be stored in closed areas and, if this is not possible, away from customer traffic areas and workers, also having to remove any decorative element from the tables.
d) Self-service products such as napkin holders, toothpicks, cruet, oil cans, and other similar utensils will be eliminated, prioritizing their service in other formats at the customer’s request or disposable pods when determined by the specific regulations.
The customer cannot occupy a table without the establishment’s staff accommodating it, after cleaning and disinfecting it.
The closing hours of the establishments are established at 1:00 a.m. maximum, without new customers being admitted, starting at 00:00. ”
Fourth.- Section 4.2 relative to “Discotheques and nightlife” is modified, which is worded in the following terms:
“4.2. Discotheques and nightlife.
Discotheques, dance halls and bars are closed with and without live musical performances “.
Fifth.- A new section 7 is added relative to “Socio-health centers”, with the following wording:
“7. Socio-health centers.
In the socio-health centers, PCR tests must be carried out on all the people who imply new admissions in the socio-health centers of a residential nature (residences for the elderly and people with disabilities) with a maximum of 72 hours in advance. It will also be carried out to employees who return from leave and vacations, and to those who join with new employment contracts.
Visits are limited to one person per resident, with extreme prevention measures, and with a maximum duration of one hour a day. Visits to residents will be staggered throughout the day. These measures may be excepted in the case of people who are in the process of the end of life.
Exits of residents of social and health centers are limited to the maximum. ”
Six.- Publish this Agreement in the Official Gazette of the Canary Islands.…