Many members are now taking advantage of our new level of membership ` Premium´.
This new level gives you the satisfaction of knowing that you can rely on us to assist you in every area where you may need help or advice. We can take care of all your paperwork. Premium members receive in the majority of instances free assistance with paperwork, in certain circumstances charges will be made. This does not include any additional fees payable to a third party i.e. Lawyer.
Depending on the request, once we have received your instruction to undertake work we will carry out the work, leaving you free with the assurance that you will be receiving a complete and satisfactory service. Premium members receive up to 2 hours free translation` in house´ services per month; this does not include representation or accompanying on an appointment. Premium membership is only €15 per month, compared to normal affiliated membership of €10 per month.
In the event that the member has multiple properties and wishes them to be included there will be an additional fee of €10 per property per month. Please contact us for further information about our Premium service.