You will be aware that we are still awaiting the new decree in respect of “private rentals”. This we were promised would be made public before the end of 2016, but as yet there has been no official announcement; the Canarian Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sports has however stated that it will address this year the amendment of seven  decrees with the aim of simplifying the regulatory framework and reducing bureaucratic procedures.

The rules that are being modified or created are: vacation rental, active tourism, tourist guides, tourist intermediation, restauracion activities, quality standards and accommodation activity and development of the General Tourist Registry. Some of these decrees are in more advanced procedures for approval, as is the case of active tourism, and others are in the consensus phase with the sector, such as the one in charge of regulating the tourist activity of catering and vacation rental. There is a fuller report that you can read here

In a similar topic an interview with the new Minister of Tourism of Spain has been published