The Proposal of Law of Modification of the Law of Renovation and Tourist Modernization 2/2013 and the Law of Ordination of the Tourism of Canaries 7/1995 “presents / displays serious doubts of constitutional legality in certain key precepts of its regulation”. This is reflected in the Opinion of the Advisory Board that was requested by the Parliament of the Canary Islands, given the constant and forceful protests by the only association representing the holiday home in the Canary Islands.


Many social, business and economic voices have joined ASCAV and have needed to paralyze the approval of a legal aberration that violates the rights of owners and intermediaries of holiday homes in the Canary Islands.


Following the overwhelming Opinion of the Advisory Council, today all political groups that make up the parliamentary arc, PP, Podemos, PSOE, CC, NC and Mixed Group have requested the postponement of the Amendment of the Law until the next term .


ASCAV celebrates having won a new battle against social and economic abuse to thousands of families and local managers, which would not have been possible without the union without fissures of owners and businessmen, as ALL groups that directly or indirectly would have been affected. Much has been the solidarity shown by other indignant groups that has finally ended with a satisfactory result for the general interest of the Canary Islands. ASCAV is grateful to ALL for their incessant effort and support.