Faced with concern about the tourist situation in the Canary Islands as a result of the pandemic caused by Covid-19, the president of the Cabildo de Fuerteventura and in turn Minister of Tourism of the first Majorera Corporation, Blas Acosta, convened yesterday Tuesday the councilors and Canary Island Tourism managers to a meeting in order to join forces and criteria that can alleviate the harmful consequences that the effects of the coronavirus are causing in the archipelago’s tourism sector.


For his part, the insular counselor for Tourism Promotion, Ángel Vázquez, who attended the meeting accompanied by the CEO of the Lanzarote Foreign Promotion Society (SPEL-Turismo Lanzarote), Héctor Fernández, shared the various measures with the rest of the islands carried out by the Cabildo de Lanzarote to combat the pandemic and underlined the “good functioning” of the detection protocols for Covid-19 that the first island Corporation has been applying since last July.


In this sense, Ángel Vázquez recalled that once the international air connections had been recovered after the confinement, “Lanzarote and La Graciosa were the first islands to activate their own island plan with a very rigorous protocol to detect any possible suspected case of Covid, both in the Airport as well as during the tourist’s stay “, while” from the first moment, some arranged accommodation establishments were set up “to accommodate those affected by the coronavirus.


Likewise, in the meeting, which was also attended by the director of the Canarian Health Service, Conrado Domínguez, the Cabildos have given themselves a period of ten days to implement and specify the roadmap to follow based on what is stipulated by the Decree Law 3996 of 17/2020 on extraordinary measures in tourism matters to face the effects of the health and economic crisis caused by the pandemic caused by Covid-19.