Arrecife received four large cruise ships this Thursday at the port of Los Mármoles in Arrecife. On board these ships took to the capital of the island about 10,000 cruise passengers who were seen by the Avenue. Literally Arrecife has been flooded with tourists walking through the different streets and shops. As indicated by Dácil Garcias, the cost per cruise has increased in recent months.
“In these four cruises have landed about 8,000 or 10,000 cruise passengers and according to the data handled by the Minister of Tourism of the Cabildo of Lanzarote, Angel Vazquez, the cost of each cruise and each tourist in Lanzarote is increasing and it is good that travelers stay in the city and increase their consumption, “said spokeswoman of the Shipping Association of Lanzarote, Dácil Garcias. So far this season Arrecife has received more than 215,000 cruise passengers, 22.89 percent more than in the same period last season, when they did 175,258.