Thanks to LANCELOT DIGITAL – The Tourism Board asks that the aid be extended 40,000 million euros
The Tourism Board applauds that the Government has given the green light to a plan of 11,000 million that includes direct aid to alleviate the crisis situation experienced by small and medium-sized tourism and hospitality companies, one of the sectors most damaged during the pandemic. However, the organization criticizes that the support “is late and insufficient”, so they request that it be extended to 40,000 million euros, at least.
According to the Tourism Board, the plan – of which 7,000 million euros will go to direct aid – is scarce to “save so many companies from insolvency and the risk of bankruptcy” that have seen their survival compromised. The institution assures that these direct aid hardly represent 10% of the losses of the hotel industry (67,000 million, according to the data of the entity).
Juan Molas, president of the Tourism Board, urges the Government to develop a project coordinated with the private sector, which “knows first-hand the needs”, and which is medium and long-term, since for the association the approved plan it is a “short-term” patch.
“Global planning is essential to address the recovery of tourism in the medium and long term, integrating in the same plan all actions and measures: financial aid, vaccination, health passport, the enabling of air corridors, bilateral agreements with the main European source markets,… ”, they demand from the business association.