Join Macmillan Cancer Support´s biggest fundraising event: The World´s Biggest Coffee Morning
Coffee morning
I know most people have been touched by cancer in one way or another. I, for one, have a very close member of my family, who is now in remission, going through the maintenance phase right now. I´m sure I´ll be attending for my morning coffee and treat, 3 euros aren’t going to break the bank.

The first coffee morning was held in 1991, with 2,600 people registering to host one. Last year, this figure had increased to 43,000 people, raising over £8 million. Since that very first coffee morning it has raised over £60 million in total and I do hope this trend continues.

This coffee morning is held on Friday 30th September at Brown Deli, C.C. Calipso, Unit 2, Costa Teguise, 35509.