Tourism rose to 3,420,969.93 euros last August, which was 119.95% more than in August of last year, the month that the Entity suffered a labor dispute that kept the Centers closed during the second half of the year. month.
Revenues from the restaurant service grew by 115.41% last month to reach 668,938.75 euros, while stores invoiced 395,534.91 euros, 156.43% more than in August 2017.
The Centers received 188,804 more visitors than in August 2017, up to a total of 356,484, which represents an increase of 112.60%. In that line, income from the sale of tickets increased by 111.60% to reach a total of 2,301,983.27 euros.
Higher losses
As will be recalled, the Entity reported that the strike had prevented 191,275 people from accessing the Centers during the second half of August 2017, which meant a loss of income estimated at 1,515,935.82 euros. However, the figures recorded this year raise this amount to 1,865,611.98 euros.
In addition, on the other hand, it should be noted that the Guacimeta airport registered a decrease of 5% in passenger traffic compared to August 2017, according to data provided by AENA.
However, Eugenio congratulates the staff of the Centers for “extraordinary figures, which should serve as a stimulus for the future.”
Comparison between the first eight months of the years 2018 and 2017
However, the following comparison can be established between the results of the most significant business units of the EPEL-CACT during the first eight months of 2018 and 2017:
Concepts 2018 2017 Difference%
Tickets 13,554,100.16 12,044,004,94 1,510,095,25 12,54
Restoration 3,968,690.54 3,496,409.23 472,281.31 13.51
Stores 2,171,041.61 1,740,595.21 430,446.40 24.73
Total collection 19,894,167.14 17,358,333.38 2,535,833.76 14.61
Similarly, the comparison between the number of people who have enjoyed the Centers of Art, Culture and Tourism of the Cabildo of Lanzarote during this same period is as detailed below:
2018 2017 Difference%
Number of visitors 2,054,736 1,876,508 178,228 9.50