We have learnt (thanks Isa!) that there is a Level I training course in the management of Joëlette in Lanzarote. It´s free, and it will take place on Saturday 30th July in Costa Teguise.
The Joëlette is a wheelchair designed for hiking and rough terrain. With this chair people with physical disabilities or anyone with reduced mobility can
travel on almost all paths of the natural environment, usually inaccessible. To function, the chair consists of a single wide wheel, a chair, safety features and two arms forward and backward, at first it seems a truck-, requires a team consisting of a passenger (person with any reduced mobility) and several drivers (companions who can walk and are willing to share a moment of enjoyment in nature.). This is a comprehensive and shared physical activity of people willing to offer their time, availability or resources, in exchange for an intense human experience.
So, the joelette is a wheelchair that can be used on any path or terrain, but which is comfortable for the passenger, without too much pain for the two assistants handling the wheelchair. It was called Joëlette by its inventor’s first name, Joël Claudel, who said: “Transporting people with disabilities on any terrain is now possible thanks to this one-wheeled chair, which is held by two assistants.” The Joëlette can be adapted to the disability of each person (seat, pillow, feet).
The Joëlette consists of two shafts in front and behind the seat, to drive it or to carry it if necessary. A suspension, brake, and a jack to adjust the shafts, complete the features of the Joëlette.
You can find out more about it at http://www.independentliving.org/docs1/joelette.html
First level courses, to acquire the basic techniques of assembly and disassembly of the Joëlette and driving on roads without difficulty.
They are recommended to start before hiking out.
Organized by: TRi W.W.W. http://www.triwww.com
The teacher comes from from the Tenerife Association Montaña para Todos(based in Tenerife)
Time: 9.00 to 14.30h
Location: Sands Beach Resort, Costa Teguise
Registration: Call 618742910 or mail to triwww@triwww.com
Please note the course will be given in Spanish, but we can help with some translations if needed
Note: The Joëlettes were purchased thanks to the contributions of the Banca Cívica de CajaCanarias and fundraising activities conducted by TRi WWW
The contribution of Banca Cívica de Caja Canarias Bank came through the project presented by Tri W.W.W. within the program “Tú eliges Tu decides” (You chose, You decide), project that is still on for 2011, with number 30842 and slogan “Tengo una discapacidad: ¡¡Ayúdame a hacer deporte!!” (“I have a disability: Help me to do sports!”