We Can Help

We Can Help

Paperwork problems? All ​Translations​ and personal​ ​​assistance now available We have a new help service that is available to everyone, regardless if you are a resident or visitor we can help solve your problems, all situations covered. We can now offer a team of...

Why will tourism fall this summer?

Summer does not come as expected and is not going to beat record of tourist influx or occupation as occurred in the three summer months of 2017, where an average of 92% of available places was reached. At least that is the impression of the president of Asolan, Susana...
Music for the anniversary of the Pirate Museum

Music for the anniversary of the Pirate Museum

The concert Timple Fusión, by Jaira Quartet, gave the kick-off to the musical Sundays that Cultura Teguise proposes It has been seven years since the Castillo de Santa Bárbara of La Villa de Teguise, raised on the Mountain of Guanapay from an old tower built at the...